Here are a few of my favourites and they all are under 20 bucks.
First, a flowering plant. Cut flowers are beautiful but they die quickly. I have received mini roses before and they do really well in the garden.
Second, home made foods. These were arranged in a cute basket that can be reused for something fun. From left to right: raspberry jam, polish dill pickles and millionaire relish.
Third, an adorable pinterest idea. I actually pinned this one myself. A green apple with an individual caramel/skor dip. Yum!
Fourth, something "teacher-ish." Like a chocolate apple from Laura Secord.
Fifth, something surprising. Sometimes this comes in the form of a gaudy candle but this year I got a purse and I like it.
And lastly, the easiest thing to do on the planet that is honestly my favourite:
Gift cards. LCBO, Tim Horton's, Walmart and Chapters here I come!
Some hilarious gifts that I have received in past years that I don't recommend:
- Ugly ornaments. I received one in shape of an Elvis themed juke box.
- Expired avon products that you dug out of your drawer.
- Dollarama fake roses
- Crystal/Disco Jesus