We hosted a 2nd Thanksgiving dinner at our place tonight with friends. We got the idea while watching an episode of Mad Men a few weeks ago. We all shared the cooking and it was yummy!
Nathan had his 4 month needles. Where is time going?
We hosted the C's for lasagna. Baby girl C arrived on the 20th!
I had a few coffee dates with a co-workers.
We traveled to Kingston for Thanksgiving as well as to Montebello, Quebec for my Uncle's wedding. We also went to the pumpkin patch. A lovely family filled weekend!
I had breakfast and browsed Chapters with my friend M.
I took E out for a birthday lunch. And we went over for birthday pie :)
We went to Cooper's 3rd birthday!
Soccer Tots started for Nick and women's soccer started for me.
Fevers hit our house again. They quickly left thank goodness. We got flu shots!
I had lunch with my friend H.
We had lots of Halloween fun including trick or treating at Dan's work, around the neighbourhood and a baby party here.
Nicholas has been great about stuff moving from his room to Nathan's room (ie. crib, change table, some decor etc.) The latest thing to move was the Pooh bear lamp so we let Nick choose a new lamp for his room.
This backpack was $3.00 at Dollarama. It's not Kindergarten quality but good for trips to Kingston or the park etc. Every time Nick puts it on I get choked up.
I hated our drain tray. It was constantly stained and the idea of putting clean dishes in something dirty to finish drying was grossing me out. My sis-in-law introduced me to drying mats. 5 bucks at Jysk and can be thrown in the washer/dryer. Yes please!
We went to Kingston for an extended long weekend. Festivities included a BBQ, some swims, the family reunion, a family birthday party for Nicholas, bowling and lots of visiting.
We checked out a new park (to us) in Elmira with friends.
Play Group started. We visit and have a potluck lunch. It's great!
We had several barbeques (including our Deck party) and lots of visits with friends during the week.
Nathan had his 2 month needles.
Nick turned 3 and Dan turned 33. We had a yummy Norris bakery cake with the G's on Dan's birthday.
Nick's soccer wrapped up for the season.
I went to another Stars and Strollers. (The Giver)
I had a visit with the girls (minus one) sans kids.