Thursday, July 31, 2014

Living is easy in July

Let's have a look back...

  • We had a Canada Day picnic at RIM park. We also went to see the fireworks at UW. This was Nick's 1st fireworks show!
  • We went to the family day at PTC. Nick loved the bouncy castle!
  • My cousin and Aunt came up to babysit the boys so we could head out for a solo dinner to celebrate our fifth anniversary. So nice!
  • We went to a BBQ and had several lunches and play dates with friends.
  • I had coffee with my friend/co-worker E. I love getting out solo when I can!
  • I went to my first "Stars and Strollers" with Nathan. I only managed to go twice when I was on mat leave with Nicholas. I need to do this more!
  • We took Nicholas to the Brantford Zoo. He loved it! 
  • We worked on toilet training Nick. Groan.
  • The Hunt's came to Waterloo and we had a nice visit/dinner and I finally got to meet little C!
  • We went to the Serbian Food Festival. Yum!
  • I went with both boys to D's Half birthday party. Time is flying!


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Simple Door Signs

I made these for the boy's bedroom doors. I found the foam stickers at The Dollar Store which I'm enjoying more than Dollarama these days.


Thursday, July 24, 2014

Beer Sampling Part 2

Over the course of the last few days, Dan and I have finished sampling the beers I bought. You can read Part 1 here.

6. Somersby Cider: This is the only one I had tried before. Now that I drink beer I find it a bit too sweet. Overall Mark: Good.

7. DAB: This is a German beer that's very easy to drink. Overall Mark: Very Good.

8. Wells IPA: This is an English beer. Overall Mark: YUM. 

9. Fire in the City: This is another wheat beer. Overall Mark: Only ok.

10. Boneshaker: This was very, very hoppy. Overall Mark: Satisfactory. Likely will never drink it again. 


Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I crack myself up with that title. 

Dan has been working hard on extending our deck to the fence. Have a look:

Nick liked the gravel being delivered the best. He still talks about the yellow dump truck.

And the finished product:

It is so big and spacious! So impressed with my handy hubby!



Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Nick & Rachel

This morning we met Nick's pal Rachel at Waterloo Park for some splash pad/playground/snack/animal fun! 

Here's another time they sat in that very same grass together:

Too cute!


Sunday, July 20, 2014

Beer Sampling Part 1

This weekend is Kitchener's Ribfest and Craft Beer Festival. We have gone before but we decided to stay home this year since Dan has been working hard on finishing the deck (almost done) and the weather was lousy.

So I hit up the LCBO and bought a variety of beers/ciders, many of which I had never heard of. Dan and I split them and tried 5 of the 10 I bought.

Here's my review:

1. Spark House: It's a red ale with quite a strong after taste. Overall mark: Good.

2. The Witty Traveller: It's a wheat beer that tastes like something is rotting. Overall mark: F-minus.

3. Peroni: This is an Italian beer. It's very light. Overall mark: Very good.

4. Barking Squirrel: This is a lager and is quite hoppy. Overall mark: Very good.

5. The Dead Elephant: This is an Indian pale ale. Overall mark: Awesome!

This was fun! We poured out #2. Yes it was that bad. I will definitely be buying more dead elephants :)


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Lovin' Letters

Nick loves letters so much he even eats them for breakfast! 


Sunday, July 6, 2014

5th Anniversary Dinner

In keeping with tradition, Dan and I chose a new restaurant to try for our 5th Anniversary. My cousin and Aunt came up to babysit the boys and the 2 hours out were so peaceful. 

We went to Casa Rugatino. I loved walking around Belmont Village even more than the food itself. Silly Dan ordered lasagna. He is so fussy about it so of course it didn't measure up!

Here are a few pictures:

Antipasto we shared

Caprese Salad- YUM

Spaghetti Alla Carbonara

We both wanted to order their home made pizza but it seemed too casual. We're going to get some for lunch one day because the smell of it going past our table was amazing!

You can read about our 4th anniversary here. I also wrote about our 3rd anniversary here
