Saturday, December 28, 2013

Annual Stocking Photo

We are back from a wonderful Christmas in Kingston! The best part was watching Nicholas play with his cousins P and S. They had SO much fun!

As per tradition, I take a photo of Nicholas with his personalized stocking at Poppa and Gram's house. Last year he would not sit still (maybe it was the double ear infection!) But this year I got a super photo!

First Christmas (2011)
Second Christmas (2012)
Third Christmas (2013)
Hope everyone had a magical Christmas! All the best in 2014!


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The stockings were hung...

We have finally finished decorating for Christmas! We would have been done earlier but Dan and I really wanted to find some stockings. First of all, I had no idea the price of stockings. Yikes! But alas, we found these at Target. They were on sale too!

I love them! And yes we bought one for baby. We knew if we went back next year they may not have them again. 

The snow is falling as I type this! Bring on Christmas!


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Another sign of Christmas

Candy cane ice cream! Dan claims he doesn't like "the chunks" but he managed to eat the majority of the container!

Yum-o! Another Christmas tradition from my childhood.

Hope everyone has a Christmas-y weekend! We sure are in countdown mode. Today we are going to cut down our tree and then we have a Christmas party this afternoon. Tomorrow we will decorate the tree!


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Liebster Award

I honestly feel like it is Pay it Forward Day. First I ordered a small tea (for me) and 2 timbits (for Nick) at Tim Horton's this morning and they gave me a medium tea and 4 timbits. But don't worry they charged me the right amount. And then my friend Heather got nominated for a Liebster award and has passed on the love and nominated me!

Here is the explanation of what it is:

“Liebster” is derived from the German word lieben, which means to love. Loosely interpreted, it can also mean sweetest, kindest, nicest, or beloved. So a Liebster Award is essentially a token of appreciation passed around in the blogging community. It’s also only given out to up and coming blogs with less than 200 followers to encourage new bloggers. At least, that’s how I’m interpreting it.

Cool! I don't actually have many "followers" although I know people read it because they comment on my posts in person!

So now I have to answer the questions Heather has made and then nominate a few blogs and have them answer MY questions. How fun!

1. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

Well, considering I am almost 15 weeks pregnant I pee first. And I multi task by reading my phone while peeing. Too much info?

2. If you could go back to high school would you? Why or why not?

No way. Looking back highschool was oh so easy. But we were oh so dramatic about it. I like where I am in life right now!

3. Do you crave sweet or salty?

These days I crave both of them. I usually want some chocolate and then after I have it I want salt and vinegar chips. 

4. If a celebrity were to play you in a movie who do you think it would be?

Oh boy. Umm... Julia Roberts because we clearly look alike! Lol. No I just love her. Especially her personality in Run Away Bride!

5. What’s your favourite attribute about yourself?

I like my eyes. Most people seem to prefer blue or green eyes but I like my brown eyes. When my sister-in-law got married in Ottawa the makeup artist told me "I have a secret, you have the nicest eyes of the whole wedding party." I guess I let that cat out of the bag!

6. If you could have any job in the world (and money was no object) what would it be?

I would wrap presents for a living.

7. If you got to have a professional in your life (for free) what would it be? Personal chef, professional cleaner, personal trainer, or professional driver/chauffeur.

Personal chef! I don't love cooking. 

8. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?

My son. Hand's down. 

9. What’s your favourite gift to give?

I love giving kids clothes. They are so cute and fun to shop for!

10. What are your plans for the holidays?

A few parties and a trip to Kingston (my hometown) for a few days. I love family time!

And now for my nominations: I could only come up with 5 because I don't follow that many blogs!

Out of the Woods 

Hunt Family News

The Lock Family

Our Journey

Tenth Avenue South (this one technically has 221 followers but it's one of my favs!)

Here are my questions:
1. Are you a day person or a night person?
2. Why did you start your blog? Bored on mat leave? Keeping family up to date?
3. What would be your death row meal?
4. Do you believe in horoscopes? Why/why not?
5. What is your favourite holiday?
6. What is your favourite Christmas song?
7. What do you take in your coffee? Tea?
8. What brand of toilet paper do you prefer?
9. Did you watch the entire series of Breaking Bad? If so, how long did it take you? If not, when are you going to?
10.  What cheerios do you like the best? Original, multigrain, chocolate or honey nut?

Thanks for the nomination Heather! Her wonderful blog can be found here


Sunday, December 1, 2013

November ends and December Begins

Let's look back on what all happened in November...
  • We babysat Lia. She outlasted Nick which is a rare event. She also ate better than him. Also a rare event.
  • My inlaws came for a weekend. New doors were installed and trim was painted. What a difference!
  • We took Nicholas to the Santa Claus parade. What a difference a year makes. He loved it this year!
  • I went to a Christmas bazaar. It's been a long time since I have attended one of those!
  • Illness hit our house. Everything from fevers, to barf to pink eye. My theory is that we are in the clear for Christmas. Please let me be right!
  • E and Lia came for dinner while Chris was in LA. 
  • We made our annoucement that Baby Dill is coming in early June. Thank you everyone for the amazing messages through email and facebook. Feeling the love!
  • I had dinner at Boston Pizza with a few teaching friends. It's so nice to catch up!
  • I almost completed my Christmas shopping. Just a few more little things to get!
  • I went to see Hunger Games: Catching fire. Great movie!
  • The G's came over for a visit. It's nice to be sharing this special (sometimes nauseous time) with someone else!
  • We renewed our mortgage...woot woot!
  • We had dinner at a friend's house... yum! Nick loves big kid toys! (Attempting to dump an entire box of little itty bitty lego? Yes please!)
I am super excited about December. Christmas parties, a school field trip, more decorating, baking and some time off from work. I need to just get over this double case of pink eye...
