Monday, September 30, 2013

September Fun

 September I love. 
  • We had friends over for dinner on Labour Day weekend. Their son started JK this year. Ah!
  • We hosted the monthly playdate with Nick's pals. These used to be relaxing, not any more. "You need to share" can be heard A LOT.
  • We went to a deck celebration at Cooper's house. Dan helped with construction so it was so nice to see the finished product!
  • I returned to school. It was a mixed month of survival and fun. LOL (Open House happened, picture day, Terry Fox run, opening school mass etc.)
  • I turned the Big 3-2. We went to Beer Town for lunch and enjoyed some cake from Norris Bakery.
  • I got a black eye a la Nicholas' head.
  • We visited at a friend's house and ate some yummy pumpkin pie and got caught up.
  • Outdoor soccer season came to an end. We won 3 out of our 4 last games. I'll miss it as I am taking a break from soccer this winter. The late games just kill me. 
  • We had an impromptu playdate with Nick's friend Lia. They seem to have a love hate relationship these days. lol
  • The bathroom renovation continued and Phase 1 is done.  
  • I had lunch with a girl friend and we exchanged school stories.
  • I went to my friend Heather's "girl's night in" birthday party. Everything was adorable from the decor to the snacks. Great way to end the week.
  • We went to Maggie and Jay's wedding. Congrats you two! 
  • We caught my inlaw's gig at Lake Ontario Park when we were in Kingston. What a beautiful weekend it was!

October should be a fun month filled with Thanksgiving and Halloween fun. Stay tuned!


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Bathroom Progress

I should start off this blog post by warning everybody that our main floor bathroom is not completely done. Let's call "Phase 1" complete. 

Phase 1:
  • Paint the room
  • Replace the counter top with granite (and a built in sink).
  • Update the handles on the medicine cabinet and the vanity.
  • Install a new faucet
  • Replace the light fixture
  • Get a new mirror (preferably framed)
Phase 2:
  • Replace the doors with new white ones
Phase 3:
  • Replace the tiling which I am not sure will ever happen since this is not our forever home and even talking to Dan about it gives him the "heebie jeebies."
Dan did ALL of the work. I take zero credit for any of this. My handy hubby!

Without further ado.... 

Old counter top with new faucet

Surprise! A hole in the wall when we took down the side splash. Thanks previous owners!

New paint, granite, faucet and mirror

Also showing off the new handles

Up close and pretty

New decora switch and fancy fan. Gotta love the tile

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Ikea Spice Racks

Using spice racks as shelving is all over Pinterest these days. I wanted to display some of Nick's special books up high so a) he can't ruin them and b) they would act as decor in his room to "big boy it up" a bit. 

Voila! I love these because we can change what's in them and layer up the books based on height!


Close up

After (don't worry Rob and Milly the Pooh print is on another wall)

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Out family room tv is no longer on our tv stand. Yep, we finally bit the bullet and mounted it on the wall. Dan bought the mount on I helped him with this task and I have to say I was quite nervous that it wouldn't hold the tv even though it can hold even bigger ones. Sure enough it's all good. I love that the center speaker can now go on the tv stand instead of off to the side. This is the only thing we have done to our family room since moving in. We'll paint in here eventually but that's low priority. I'm still trying to get Dan to finish the bathroom!


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Colour Wheels

Who's the crazy teacher that attempts elaborate painting projects the 3rd week of school? Yep that's me!

I wanted to do a lesson on mixing colours and this is what went down:

1. Get thin paper plates. I got a pack of 36 at Dollarama. 
2. Have a cup of red, yellow and blue with many small brushes.
3. We did a group lesson on how these 3 colours are called the primary colours and then wrote out "math" equations for mixing colours. (ie. Yellow + Red = Orange.) They loved this! I did a complete wheel for them to use as a guide.
4. Let them go at it. I thought this might be too challenging for them and for a few it was but they loved it. Some turned out amazing and they are all so different!

It does require hands on in the sense that you need to remind them of what colours they are missing on their wheel and I washed brushes as we went. 

Sorry the picture is a bit blurry but you get the idea. I love them! 


Sunday, September 15, 2013


The tomato season was weird this year. They were late but then the cherry tomatoes seemed to ripen all at the same time so unfortunately we couldn't keep up with them. We made a huge batch of pasta sauce with cherry and roma tomatoes and then today I made a batch of salsa with just cherry tomatoes. 

It's in the fridge "blending." Can't wait to try it!


Friday, September 13, 2013

Paint Tease

We haven't started painting the downstairs bathroom but we bought the paint. Click the link to see the colour it is going to be. That's not the company we bought it from but it's the only picture I could find that showed it well.

Click here!


Sunday, September 8, 2013

First sign of Fall

I know it is technically still Summer but if you look at our front porch it sure looks like Fall. Biggest. Mum. Ever. Thanks Costco!


Sunday, September 1, 2013

The end of August... no!

 I say this every year but where did the summer go?!

  • Play dates and coffee dates with various friends continued.
  • We hosted a BBQ with friends and their kidlets on the long weekend. It was a good time!
  • We took Nicholas to the local airport on the Civic Monday as well as on his birthday. He loves watching airplanes!
  • We bottled yet another batch of wine. I swear we don't have a problem! Sangiovese/Cabernet Sauvignon blend this time.
  • Dan and I travelled to Windsor for a wedding sans Nicholas. It felt weird and good at the same time. Congrats Brendan and Andrea!
  • My inlaws came to watch Nicholas while we were gone and stayed for cake and gifts.
  • Nicholas turned the big 0-2 and Dan the big 3-2.
  • I shopped at St. Jacob's market a few times. Love local produce! 
  • My Aunt and cousin came by to see Nicholas. They hadn't seen him since he was about 2-3 weeks old. 
  • Dan took some vacation days and we went to Waterloo Park, Guelph Lake etc.  
  • Dan replaced the faucet in the kitchen.
  • We started a bathroom renovation. Too be continued...
  • Our niece Daphne celebrated her 3rd birthday Minnie Mouse style. We travelled to Courtice to join the party.
  • Swimming lessons finished at the end of August. Nick is a little fish!
  • I organized my classroom for the Fall.
