Wednesday, August 14, 2013

He's 2!

The day has come and gone and Nicholas is now 2. The first year of his life went fast at times and slow at others. But the 2nd year of his life blew by! It might have been because I was back at work or maybe because toddlers are SO MUCH FUN! 

Before I share a few pictures I thought I would write down some of the things we are seeing these days as our little boy gets older.

1. If you ask him how old he is, he can now say two.
2. He has started counting (he doesn't seem to get past 3) and he will repeat numbers if you say them to him.
3. He can recognize a few letters.
4. He is stringing together more and more words and is becoming easier to understand.
5. He still says hilarious things like "har no" for oatmeal and "hatty doo day" for Happy Birthday.
6. He is a good eater but a stubborn one. He loves meat but only tolerates bread. He loves cake but hates icing. He likes white cheese but hates orange.
7. He is getting really good with his colours.
8. If you ask him if he is a baby he says "no big boy."
9. He gives amazing hugs and wet kisses. 
10. His current obsessions are: Elmo, Cookie Monster, Fire trucks, airplanes, tools, telephones, drawing, bubbles, watching his ADCD's on tv and playing outside.
11. He asks to sit on the potty but doesn't do anything. He now tells us when he is peeing but it is too late to do anything about it!
12. He is very strong. He can throw better than some of my students and can kick a ball well. He has little muscles that show in his arms already. 
13. He loves to help with laundry and unloading the dishwasher.
14. He loves to build towers and climbs like a monkey but he is afraid of dogs and shadows. lol.
15. His memory impresses me as he recalls things like taking my Nana to the train back in July and seeing chickens at Waterloo Park a few weeks back.

Nicholas, you are an amazing little boy. Your Mommy and Daddy (and everybody else) loves you to pieces. Keep smiling my happy boy!


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